First steps towards a well-made game!

Originally this game was created for Low Effort Jam 9. Since it was a 4 day jam and we lacked skills and experience the game ended up being very bugged and built very messy. After a year we decided to compare our skills now and then by trying to improve that little project while participating in Improve My Game Jam 22. We will leave the original build for the download so you will be able to compare it with the final fixed build!

I (zaubrr) am coding everything so most of the devlog will be written from my perspective.

It is the first day of the jam and by now we were able to make a little improvement:

1. UI resolution fix

A year ago I was still having some problems with working with the UI due to the lack of experience and knowledge of Unity. That’s why in the original build of Pick Up Chics there was a very strange resolution of the UI and some things could be in places they were not supposed to be in. Because of that the game ended up looking differently. For now, I fixed the resolution to 16 : 9 ratio everywhere. But since we plan to upgrade everything the resolution may change in future.

2. Added a possibility to quit game using [escape] button 

After submitting the game last year for the Low Effort Jam 9 some players found out about the “infinite comic” bug and that after the end of the comic and accidental miss of the button it was impossible to do anything. There also was no visible or technical end of game. Since I am currently waiting for the comic to be reworked I added a very simple fix of these problems - the [escape] button. 

3. Remade the animation mechanic

Originally animation in this project was made with script because I was having problems with understanding how Animator in Unity works. Looking at it now I can see how problematic and overcomplicated animation with scripts is. The original walking animation was not implemented at all because of that. Today I made everything from scratch using Animator and added walking.

4. Implemented new pick up mechanic

In the original build the whole pick up mechanic was literally just “collecting” all chics on the scene. After a small brainstorm it was collectively decided to make something more fun in this updated version. Now after interaction with the chic using the key [E] you see the pick up screen. You will be able to choose various pick up lines to get the chic! For now it’s a prototype and this mechanic may be upgraded later.New mechanic

5. Updated chic sprite

The first graphic change! The new chic sprite is already here!

Files 21 MB
Apr 16, 2021

Get Pick up chics

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